Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My purpose with this blog

I have always found theories interesting. The Bible is my life. I love the bible. Its a tool for how to live our lives and operate in this world. A good friend of mine had an interesting thing that he said. If you don't believe in God or follow the Bible, you are going to have to base your life and how you live on something.

I base my life on the bible and use it as my foundation. But the bible can be interpreted many different ways. This is why there are so many different denominations and cults and such out there. Just in the Baptist denom alone, there is a huge diversity of believes which are nothing more than differences in how they interpret the Bible.

There are only a few concrete non-negotiable things in the Bible. These are;

Jesus is the Son of God,
He died for our Sins,
He rose again on the 3rd day,
There is only 1 way to God and that is through Jesus.
Jesus is the one and only Son of God.
God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow
God is eternal. (he had no beginning and will have no end)

I think I got them all. If I missed something, please lest me know. The rest of the bible is open to interpretation. Some even try to say that these are open for discussion. But they are mislead. These few things are set in stone. They are the corner stones of our entire belief system. Without them, Christianity would completely fall apart.

But apart from these things, the rest of the Bible can be interpreted. Its a bit like the constitution of the US. We have to have a panel of people that interpret what the constitution really means. We have Pastors, the Pope, Denominations, Bible Colleges, College Professors, Books, etc,. that try to interpret what the bible really says.

There are a ton of theories out there surrounding the things of the Bible and of God. All of them are open to interpretation. You will find people on both sides of these beliefs. Many of them are defended pretty adamantly.

I might get in trouble for posting this blog. But even if I do, it won't be the 1st one to get in trouble for questioning the status quo. it was once believed that the world was flat. Some people came along to challenge that believe. Some were accused of heresy by the Church.

When Jesus came along, he straight out told the religious leaders of the day that they were not only going to hell, but dragging all that followed their teachings with them. We all know what happened to him.

And there are lots and lots more examples of people that challenged the beliefs of their day and were persecuted for it.

My hope is that this will be a peaceful blog. I will simply post ideas and theories about the Bible, God and the world as we know it. Then my hope is that people will come with their ideas, thoughts and challenges and we can have a peaceful discussion. Lets reason these things out and search the bible for answers.

We are not going to resolve much, and perhaps none, of this. But its fun to think, challenge the main stream of thought and ideas. Its good to not just accept things as fact just because thats the way its always been. Throughout the history of the world, there have been those that dared to color outside the lines.

People like Edison who invented the electric light bulb, Archimedes who invented levers, The Wright Brothers who invented or at least flew the 1st aircraft in the US, Levi Strauss who invented Blue Jeans, and on and on. These are people that had ideas that went against everything that the world, their friends and peers told them was true and possible.

They did it anyway.

So, lets try to explore the Bible with as much of an open mind as we can muster. Lets be open to new and old ideas and possibilities. Lets try to dive into some of the things of God and see what we can find. Maybe we will discover some interesting things along the way. Maybe we won't. But won't the journey be fun!!!

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